You chose some of the best advice and guidance, to facilitate business trips and leisure alike. These tips cover a wide range of areas that will contribute to make your experience in the travel
meaningful and enjoyable at the same time:
1. used ATM cards to get cash out of the country: people often ask about the best ways to convert the currencies in other countries. But they are mistaken discharge their currencies at airports or in hotels that descend therein; They charge a large percentage for this service. Instead, drag your money via ATM foreigner using your bank card, usually in the currency exchange rate better, then do not have to pay a fee for this service. Another benefit of this is that you can withdraw the money in the form of small batches, which protect you from theft. May be some ATMs do not deal with your bank or does not accept your card, but not to be a dedicated ATM for banks in the world somewhere.
2 Try not to use cash, and resort to credit cards as much as possible: Chris says Mkjnez, businessman and an expert on the aviation industry and the founder (Group Travel Skalz- Travel Skills Group): "With the use of ATM useful, but many banks charge fees to meet Conversions cash. so it is better to use credit cards as much as possible to buy what you want, some of them do not deduct fees for cash transfer.
3 Use the services of the hotel to reserve a table for dinner in advance: This advice is not always succeed, even in restaurants that are difficult where the reservation is, if you want to dine at a particular place, or the celebration of the occasion what with your family in a luxury restaurant, not to this restaurant a website of its own, you can this situation can ask the staff at the hotel, which will assess where to provide for Bhjosatk before traveling. But you telling them about the time and place of custody and varieties that Sttalbha, even if you can do this on your own bookings; The hotels have more experience in this area and you'll find you the best table in most cases. Do not forget to give the employee who take care of these important tip when you arrive.
4. Use a slice of local or global phone, and seek the help of the program Skype: Buy a cheap phone and a slice of an additional state that will go to them, this is the best and cheapest solution. If you're someone who frequently travel to different places you can get a slice of the global sites such as: (Tellesteal.kom - to operate in more than 100 countries to meet cheaply. The contact can be supplied easily at home through the Internet in hotels. There is no need to pay exorbitant amounts in the use of phones, but you can use the Skype program or any similar program on the Internet, whether it's via a PC or tablet or smartphone.
5 Use the services of a travel agent to get plane tickets: The large numbers of travel sites, offers and faces several comparable services between tourism enterprises, which gave the impression that ordinary travelers can get the best price, but this is not necessarily true. It can be for travel agents qualified miracles and finding ways easier and cheaper to travel, as you could choose the best seats as an additional service. Therefore, it is very useful to use travel agent, especially when the problem occurs. Often what happens, if canceled your trip, it is better you contact your dealer instead of waiting for hours at the airport.
6. Use salons airport: If you're someone who travel a lot, you can pay an annual subscription for membership in one of these salons. If you do not respond so you can pay the entry fee only, but the annual subscription is the cheapest for you. You can also take a break, which is available as Wi-Fi and a quiet place to work or taking a nap, or for a meal away from the hustle and bustle of people.
7 ask for a better room in the hotel: When you arrive at the hotel to ask the receptionist about the possibility of providing a better room. In some cases, they can do so, and at the very least you'll get a room that was originally requested. However, some people are trying to earn additional benefits or special treatment, saying he gala birthday or anniversary of their marriage. But it is better to just ask politely and without further details.
8 Look Sharp: Most travelers do not take care of their appearance and never seem to anarchists. Make sure to take care of Behndamk and wears clothes neat and tidy, and you'll notice immediately that all employees, whether at the airport or on the plane or in the hotel, Siemlonc are nicer and more professional.
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